Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pachelbel to Rembrandt

In memory of the Pachebel server...

Actually, I haven't played that long in Pachelbel, but there were interesting circumstances about it:

I picked Pachelbel by accident. I didn't realize I created my Twilight-inspired diPenombra family in that server until it was too late. What was interesting though, was that as I was reading the series... The word, pachelbel, showed up. Somewhere in the third book, the Pachelbel for the Potomac was used. If you have checked out the music I have included on top, it is a very beautiful piece.

This has inspired me to log into Granado Espada again... And I was surprised. Pachelbel has been merged in with the other servers. Pachelbel is now Rembrandt.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Sims

If there's one game I trully miss... It's the Sims.

I remember spending hours building dream houses and impossible houses. Making real relationships simulated, and wishful-thinking relationships 'real'.

I didn't hesitate to buy the original copy of Sims II when that came out. (Only to loose the CD's a year later) :(

I wouldn't mind having that game installed in my PC now. Somebody give me a copy!!!

Oh, and of course, I always had my magic credit card, Kaching. :D If only I could type that into my reality.

SpeedShifting and Nostalgia

This is the fastest shift ever. The moment Granado Espada had their 'day off', I was tired playing with it. I don't know if I would still play it... But I have already begun playing Crazy Karts. And Travian. But I'm not as addicted to them as well.

I just play when they pass my thoughts.

Crazy Kart is this fun racing MMO game. I almost spent 300php on it, just to buy the Ferrari-like kart. Almost, because fate decided to intervene and make a booboo out of the load up. It was for a reason, because I just found out I'm going to need the money. And I will still be buying that Ferrari.

Travian. I have been bugged by their ads for a looong time. I have managed to ignore it until I accidentaly clicked on the ad. I thought I would give it a try. It's a website game that's like Civilization only much more basic.

That reminds me of the games I used to play before the internet invaded these shores. I was most addicted to Diablo. There were also the Age of Empires, Civilization, Counter Strike, Sims, Sim City, etc.

Who could forget Pacman and Tetris? And the Lemmings! 

What about the Family Computer games? Mario, Rambo, Battle City...

My first ever game was the Alphabet Zoo. I was still a baby! All I had to do then was type the letters as they fall down the screen, kinda like Mavis Beacon for preschoolers.

Nostalgia, don't mind me. Haha!

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Making of diPenombra

The Granado Espada fever has begun.

I have created a new family at Pachebel named diPenombra, meaning 'of Twilight' in Italian, since the characters of this family were inspired by the book series, Twilight.

Obviously, it's the 'machinima-bility' of this game that inspired me to play again. I have so far created the Cullen's family with Bella. I'm levelling them slowly, I'll add more when I finish reading the series.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Reminiscing Romatic

I am patching up Granado Espada right now. I have not played this game for a long time, but reading the first two books of the Twilight series has inspired me to. I guess the romanticism of the book reminded me of the game.

Somehow, I knew when I was deleting all the games on my computer, that there was a reason I wasn't able to find the heart to delete Granado Espada.

I wonder how long my fleeting ways will hold on to this game.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Jumping, Jumping

I have been wondering why I keep on moving from one game to another, being addicted to whatever it is I'm playing at the moment, then getting tired of it a few months after. Am I the only one going through this thing?

Cabal Online Philippines just jumped off my boat, and Gaia Online has been nagging my waking hours. I wouldn't even be blogging about it if not for the fact that I can't seem to access Gaia's servers.

Weird enough though, you couldn't possibly compare a hack/slash game like Cabal Online to a cutesy avatar role-playing game like Gaia Online.

Weird or not, I am currently going gaga over Gaia Online. Particularly the Jigsaw Puzzles!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The End

Why I can't stop playing Cabal:
  • It is a gateway to keep in touch with old and new friends and family.
  • I am committed to my in-game twin. Xinn and Zinn cannot part.
  • I am committed to my guild. I may not be the best, but these people has warmed up to me.
  • I've been playing this game since the first day it opened it's doors to the RP.
  • I have just convinced a friend to start from scratch to join me in my server.
Why I quit anyway:
  • I have to admit reality: I have grown tired of the game.
  • Some old ties had to be cut. It's not fun seeing them around 'town'.
  • The good ties quit ahead.
  • New friends seem harder to come along because I'm too busy grinding.
  • New people in my (real) life are more fun to be with that I can't find time to play as hardcore as before.
  • The game is boring if you're not playing hardcore.
  • I heard the guild disbanded.
  • I'm far from being the best.
  • My in-game twin has agreed to adopt my character and take really good care of it.

It's a landslide.

Cabal will always be a beautiful memory, but it's time for me to move on.

There will always be that option: "Resurrect in town".